Get to know Sweet Farm…

A brief introduction from Molly Mills

After being informed by a dear friend of the availability of 3.25 acres along Cane Creek, Robear and I made the commitment not only to purchasing the “farm”, but to a life partnership as well! With Robear’s background in shiitake mushroom production, organic farming and cut flower production, as well as my 30 years as an organic gardener and buyer in the retail garden and nursery business, our passions collided right here at Sweet Farm!

In September 2017, using sustainable principles of permaculture, and with nary an existing garden bed, (only mounds of weeds and weed trees everywhere), we began to sheet mulch and work the sandy ground, adding myriad truckloads of local manure and compost; creating and transforming gardens of beauty all around us. Permaculture considers the interconnectedness of all things, a whole, natural systems approach to living sustainably on our earth. Diversification of the plant world, organic food production, solar, natural building, stacking uses, composting, seed saving, soil sponge, water and natural resource conservation, and conscious community connections, are just a few of the ways we incorporate permaculture practices on our farm.

The forested area along the creek was perfect for Robear’s shiitake mushroom production, and lots of room for the chicken flock. We sell our mushrooms to some of the finest restaurants in the Asheville area, and love sharing the bounty of our vegetable garden with our guests. Our desire is to educate those having an interest thru occasional workshops and/or visits. 

After a year of renovation, we have chosen to live in the 600 SQ FT “NEST” above the garage, and the 1650 sq ft main house is available as a vacation rental for those wishing to be on the beautiful outskirts of Asheville.

From time to time we have young, interested men and women working on our farm in exchange for the opportunity to learn hands-on about permaculture practices and the farming knowledge we are able to share. 

And what exactly do we do at Sweet Farm?
Well, we’re proud to…


Grow organic fruits, vegetables & herbs…


Cultivate beautiful & aromatic flowers…


Grow & harvest shiitake mushrooms…


…and raise chickens for fresh eggs